Friday, November 9, 2012

So yesterday A and I were driving in the car singing that song "Hey there Delilah...."  at the top of our lungs and he pauses and says, "You know Mom this song isn't about breaking up in love or getting together in love, not one those things."
Me:  "Oh really..."
A:  "Yeah its not about either one of those."
Me: "Oh, what's it about?"
A:  "You know it's not either one of those things"
Me:"Well, what is it?"
A: "Its about being in love, really in love.  That guy he loves her so much."
Me "Hmmm... what makes you think that?"
A,"Yeah he loves her so much he would walk a thousand miles for her....A THOUSAND MILE...Mom that's a long way...a thousand miles...If I had a wife I wouldn't love her that much, to walk A THOUSAND way, I wouldn't love her that much.."
A just turned 6 last week.

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